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Animal husbandry infertility Problem in Goat Here are Protection Tips

Animal husbandry infertility Problem in Goat Here are Protection Tips

There is a high risk of many diseases occurring in animals. One of these problems is infertility. Generally, the problem of infertility in animals is quite serious. If an animal becomes infertile then there is a possibility of financial crisis for the farmer or cattle rearer. This condition is mostly seen in goats. If any goat shows signs of infertility then the cattle herders leave them loose or sell them to the slaughterhouse for money. Let us know about this condition in goats and the ways to prevent it.

What is infertility, how is goat affected?

Infertility is a serious problem in goats. Once a goat gives birth to a child, it becomes a burden for the goat farmer till the birth of the next child, due to which the goat farmer has to face financial loss. Abortion is an infectious disease and the main causes of this infectious disease are brucellosis, salmonellosis, vibiosis, chlamydiosis etc.

this is the reason:

When a goat suffers from this, the disease comes out through the goat's uterine secretions, urine, dung, placenta etc. and then infects other animals as well. This infection occurs by eating fodder stained with secretions and coming close to each other. Due to which other animals also suffer from this disease and they also suffer from infertility. In such a situation, animal farmers need to pay a lot of attention.

Disease identification and prevention:

When a goat suffers from this disease, one of its major symptoms is seen in the form of abortion. Before abortion, there is swelling and brown discharge. Also the udder swells and turns red. To treat and prevent this disease, the sick animal should be completely isolated. Their enclosures should be kept clean. The back part of the sick goat should be cleaned with insecticides like Red Medicine etc. and medicines like Furiabolus or Habitin Pessary should also be put in the litter box. अब whatsapp चैनल पर भी उपलब्ध है। आज ही फॉलो करें और पाएं महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी WhatsApp चैनल से जुड़ें